Miriam Therapies

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Miriam Therapies

Opening hours

Orange Tree Clinic
England TW11 8QZ




Your life made easy.
A journey into well being where your body is the leader.

Set your sights on a multi-layered work that unfolds session after session to optimize your life to his best potential.
Restore yourself with this combination of therapeutic massage and a hint of alternative holistic approach tailored to your benefit.

If you want to improve from:
Back, shoulders, neck and hip problems;
Recover from recurring injuries or chronic conditions;
Lack of mobility or frequent fatigue and headaches
Mental, emotional and physical stress;


If you are seeking to:
Progressive Body Alignment and energetic work
Body connection with emotional balance while processing past events.
Personal grow and spiritual progress.

Restorative In-Depth Massage, a new way of being, is for you.
This unique treatment allows your body to initiate a deep recovery facilitating a clear mind in a more balance life.

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